Finding and Engaging on LinkedIn Content

Brynne Tillman |

Do you want to create more conversations with people who author, share and engage on targeted content on LinkedIn?

If you’re looking to start conversations with like-minded professionals interested in specific topics, you’ll most likely find them on LinkedIn. But how? Begin by searching for content based on hashtags (#) and keywords. Consider developing a search string that includes the terms that will serve you an ideal list of content just waiting for you to engage with.

For example, if you’re looking for content around recruiters, a search string may look something like Recruiting OR Recruiter OR “Talent Management” OR “Hiring Manager” or simply use #Recruiting #Recruiter #TalentManagement #HiringManager

FYI: LinkedIn will pull up content based on your network’s shares first. So everyone’s list of posts will be different. You can filter the list based on relevance and latest, which should produce varied content.

Once you find content that your targeted audience is sharing or engaging on, leverage it to start a conversation.

Best Practices

Conversing with people who shared or authored a post:

Do your due diligence and visit their profile. Determine first if this is someone with whom you’d like to engage. IMPORTANT: Read the posted content before beginning a conversation. Highlight a line or idea from the post that impresses you and be sure to include it in your comments. Your comment might look something like:

@Viveka von Rosen thank you for sharing this valuable post on how to find content on LinkedIn. I really enjoyed the tip about using hashtags in your posts. #greatarticle

If you’d like to get a conversation started, consider:

@Viveka von Rosen thank you for sharing this valuable post on how to find content on LinkedIn. I really enjoyed the tip about using hashtags in your posts. How many hashtags do you recommend using in an average post?

When you ask a question, there is a much higher probability that a conversation will occur. A statement is likely to get a “like” but not much more engagement than that.

BONUS: Take a look at other content they may have shared to see if there’s a common theme. Identify shared connections or other commonalities that can help you begin a conversation.

Conversing with people who commented on the post:

Often, when you search targeted topics, the people engaging on the content are also people that you’d like to engage. You can easily see how much engagement the content is attracting and simply by clicking on Comment, you get a list of the most recent activity. If there are many comments, you may have to click on show previous comments to see more. Read through the commentary and click through to the individual’s profile to, again, determine if this is someone you’d like to engage. Click on Reply beneath the comment and write something like:

@Viveka von Rosen I really enjoyed this article as well. I particularly enjoyed the concept of using hashtags; what got your attention?

Once you have a solid conversation, feel free to reach out and connect with a personal note.

Conversing with people who liked a post:

Engaging with those who “liked” a post is not quite as easy, but it can have some benefits. In this case, carefully consider whether this is someone that you’d not just want to converse with, but also connect with on LinkedIn. If, in fact, it’s someone that would add value to your network, consider a connection request:


I noticed that you engaged on @Viveka’s post on how to find content on LinkedIn, which I found really helpful. I visited your profile and thought I’d reach out and introduce myself. Feel free to visit my profile, and if you think it makes sense, let’s connect.


The key is to be purposeful in your engagement. Find relevant content, be selective on where you are spending your time and start conversations with your targeted audience.

If you or your sales team is ready to leverage LinkedIn for business development, I invite you to have a conversation. Whether or not we decide to work together, I will share actionable strategies and tactics that you can implement immediately. To make scheduling a call easier, here is a LINK to my calendar, please pick a time that works best for you.

Are you a DYIer? Check out The LinkedIn Sales Playbook: a Practical Guide to Social Selling.

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