Optimize the New LinkedIn Experience Section

Brynne Tillman |

LinkedIn has recently updated the way your roles appear in your current experience making this feature conducive to highlighting relevant content that resonates with your readers. In addition to all the roles/positions you have held you can now add:

  1. Product and Service Offerings
  2. Case Studies and Success Stories
  3. Testimonials
  4. Value and Mission Statements
  5. Disclosures



  1. Click the Me icon at the top of your LinkedIn menu
  2. Click View profile.
  3. Click Add profile section
  4. Under the Background drop-down, click + next to Work experience.
  5. In the Add experience pop-up window, enter your information into the fields provided.
    • In title add the product or service you are looking to highlight
    • Add company name and choose from the drop-down to connect to the existing experience
    • Choose the same dates as your current experience and leave it as Present (this allows you to move the sections around. If you end the date, you lose the ability or re-order the roles)
    • Add descriptions and calls to action and save
    • Click on the hamburger under the pencil to drag and drop the positions/roles in the order in which you’d like your readers to see it.

To view this experience section on LinkedIn, VISIT my profile.

Once the Experience section has been added to your profile, you can include more positions at any time by clicking the + icon in the Experience   To edit existing experiences, click on the pencil icon.


Need help with your profile? Check Out Social Sales Link’s LinkedIn Makeover Services.


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